Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: Challenges for the Nuclear Medicine Departments

March 25, 2020
Event Details:

JUST ADDED! Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: Challenges for the Nuclear Medicine Departments
Presented by the IAEA. | Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 15.30 (CET) 

The IAEA, in collaboration with International Organizations, is committed to supporting nuclear medicine facilities cope with the current COVID-19 pandemic. Join us on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 15.30 (CET) on the webinar Challenges for Nuclear Medicine Departments. It will be a virtual town-hall meeting, in which an international panel of experts will answer a series of questions related to how to deal with COVID-19 in nuclear medicine departments. The webinar will address practical considerations and challenges including: 1. Site readiness, 2. Prevention and hygiene, 3. Patient scheduling, 4. Patient management, 5. Radionuclide therapies, 6. Support to radiology departments, 7. What to do if a team member is COVID-19 positive?

Andrew Scott (Australia), Henry Bom (S. Korea), Jimmy Bomanji (UK), Juliano Cerci (Brazil), Arturo Chiti (Italy), Johannes Czernin (US), Stefano Fanti (Italy), Marcus Hacker (Austria), Ken Hermann (Germany), Mike Sathekge (S. Africa).