Site Registry - CTN Database

The Clinical Trials Network maintains a comprehensive database that stores and manages information on imaging sites, production sites and those sites that have both imaging and production capabilities. The database is housed in an online, web-based database that grants access to individual sites to enter, edit and update their information. Permission to access the database is supervised by CTN staff, and a site can only view its own specific information. 

Data collected and maintained on sites include (as applicable):

  • Relevant site personnel
  • Scanner inventory
  • Results of phantom scans (oncology, neurology, cardiovascular)
  • Research infrastructure
  • Cyclotron equipment
  • Manufacturing capabilities (radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals)

For each site, site Administrator(s) is identified and is given the authority and ability to manage their site’s data. Site Administrator(s) can then identify Users from their facility/institution to assist in data entry and management. Sites are encouraged to update their information on an annual basis. 

In addition to site-entered data, CTN staff monitors participation of study sites in clinical trials, inputs values for scanner validation phantom scans and oversee the use of an SNMMI IND. 

If your site has not yet joined the CTN and would like your information included, please go to the CTN Database and complete the information.

Please see FAQs for additional information on the CTN Database.

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