WINM Working Groups

Working groups for Women in Nuclear Medicine

All members will serve for 3 year term renewable once for an additional three years. Once established, committees should initially add members in a stepwise manner over 3 years so that one third of the members rotates off each year. Each working group should appoint a member in training if possible. Working group chairs will be approved by the president or WIMS committee.


Mentor and Network Working Group

The goal of the Mentoring Program is to provide professional development opportunities for future women leaders in nuclear medicine.  The program aims to strengthen relationships between members who participate as Mentors, and between Mentors and the Mentee group. The relationship between mentor and mentee should be kept professional.

The group will increase the potential for women’s success in the field for nuclear medicine physicians and increase networking opportunities by making members aware of jib opportunities and preparing them well for all opportunities. The group will create a mentorship partner agreement so that expectations are clear.

The group will have face to face meetings with mentor/mentee at least once a year . Conference call can be organized but should take place at least quarterly. Activities of the group should be reported to the committee annually in late spring so that it can be discussed by the woman in nuclear medicine committee.


Program Working Group

The goal of the group is to plan the program for meetings. This includes a continuing education program (CE) at the annual meeting which is of interest to women in nuclear medicine as well as the nuclear medicine community. The group will discuss evaluations of the program from prior years and this will guide them to create relevant programming.

The group can expand their activities if relevant and work with the ERF to invite speakers for special programming if adequate financing is obtained.


Membership Working Group

The goal of this group is to identify potential members and encourage them to become active in the group, developing, a membership marketing strategy and tactics.  The more involved the Committee is in developing the plan of action, the more they will "buy into" supporting and implementing the tactics.  Once a specific plan for membership is created the committee will need to work with SNMMI membership.

The group should contact prospective members and invite them to join, introduce them to other members at meetings .The group may want to work with ERF to host functions for prospective members and donors.

The group wills submit an annual report in late spring for the WIN committee


Communication Group

This group will be responsible for producing a newsletter at least annually. They will be involved with activities to increase awareness of the group. The group will be charges with organizing and coordination outreach between other like groups in the imaging community as well as the international nuclear medicine community. They will be responsible for checking the Women in Nuclear Medicine E- Community and posting articles of interest to all members on the community.

The group will submit an annual report in late spring for the WIN committee