
SNMMI is committed to providing information to the medical, patient advocacy, scientific, regulatory, legislative and funding communities to ensure that the value of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging is understood. The support of these communities will help us ensure that the technologies are used in the right patient at the right time.

SNMMI has created a multi-faceted outreach program that utilizes a variety of tools and methods to reach the imaging community, referring physicians, patient and consumer groups, and regulators and legislators.

Our outreach plan is designed to:

  • Increase knowledge among referring physicians about clinical utility
  • Educate and prepare patient advocacy groups for new technologies recently approved by the FDA
  • Raise awareness and deepen understanding among administrative decision makers to balance the call to reduce care with an understanding of the benefits of this new technology

To meet these goals, SNMMI has enhanced existing relationships and developed new partnerships with relevant societies and patient organizations. We continue to pursue opportunities to create collaborations for educational activities, such as symposia, webinars on key topics of interest, podcasts on key issues, educational materials, and joint sessions.

In 2013 SNMMI has held sessions at the Alzheimer’s Association, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry, American Heart Association, American Academy of Neurology, and the  American Urological Association meetings.

The SNMMI Outreach Program is governed by the Outreach Committee. This Committee has five working groups: