SNMMI-TS National Council of Representatives

The National Council of Representatives manages the business and financial affairs of the SNMMI-TS in accord with the policies approved by the Executive Board. They also develop and approve procedures of the SNMMI-TS, coordinate and monitor the activities of all organizational components of the SNMMI-TS and identify relevant professional issues for presentation to the Executive Board. The Council is composed of voting members and elected or appointed non-voting delegates to the Society's House of Delegates. The voting members of the National Council of Representatives shall consist of the following: the members-at-large of the Executive Board of the SNMMI-TS, one (1) representative from each geographical region/chapter, one (1) representative from industry, one (1) representative from each of the following specialty areas: education, cardiology, emerging technologies, students, managers, and the seven (7) HOD members from the SNMMI-TS. Non-voting Members: SNMMI-TS Officers, Immediate Past President; Bylaws Chair, and ERF Representative.
